PhD (2001), MS (1999) in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; MPP (1996) in international trade and finance from Harvard; AB (1990) in Asian studies and chemistry from Bowdoin College. Previously worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, as a visiting associate professor at Georgetown University, as an Adviser to the American Law Institute project on the Principles of the Law of World Trade and as an Advisory Board Member to the Pew Charitable Trusts' Subsidyscope project.
International trade and trade policy.
Crowley, M. A., Meng, N. and Song, H. Policy shocks and stock market returns: evidence from Chinese solar panels, Journal of the Japanese and International Economiesvol 51 (2019) pp. 148-169
Crowley, M. A. and Hillman, J.A. Slamming the door on trade policy discretion? The WTO appellate body's ruling on market distortions and production costs in EU-Biodiesel (Argentina), World Trade Review vol 17(2) (2018)
Crowley, M. A., Meng, N., and Song, H. Tariff scares: Trade policy uncertainty and foreign market entry by Chinese firms, Journal of International Economics vol 114 (2018) pp. 96-115
Crowley, M. A. Tuna-dolphin II: a legal and economic analysis of the appellate body report, World Trade Review vol 13(2) (2014) pp. 321-355
Bown, C. P. and Crowley, M. A. Emerging economies, trade policy, and macroeconomic shocks, Journal of Development Economics vol 111 (2014) pp. 261-273
Corsetti, G., Crowley, M. A. and Han, L. Invoicing and Pricing-to-Market - A Study of Price and Markup Elasticities of UK Exporters, (2018) CWPE1860
Crowley, M. A., Exton, O. and Han, L. Renegotiation of Trade Agreements and Firm Exporting Decisions: Evidence from the Impact of Brexit on UK Exports, (2018) CWPE1839
Crowley, M. A. Understanding the challenges to the world trading system, (2018) CWPE1825
Corsetti, G., Crowley, M., Han, L. and Song, H. Markets and Markups: A New Empirical Framework and Evidence on Exporters from China, (2018) CWPE1815
Crowley, M. A. and Hillman, J. Slamming the door on trade policy discretion? The WTO Appellate Body's ruling on market distortions and production costs in EU-Biodiesel (Argentina), (2017) CWPE1739
Bown, C. P. and Crowley, M. A. The empirical landscape of trade policy, (2016) in the book: Handbook of commercial policy, Volume 1 - Elsevier
Crowley, M. A. Why are safeguards needed in a trade agreement?, (2010) in the book:Law and econmics of contingent protection in international trade - Cambridge University Press