The CRI boasts a dynamic network of over 150 individuals dedicated to conservation, representing all six esteemed schools of the University of Cambridge.
Easily connect with all CRI members through this contact directory, divided into:
If you are looking for general contact details rather than specific people, please use the generic information given under Contact Us.
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If you would like to join our conservation website directory and mailing list, please email dll1000@cam.ac.uk
Download our Who's Who Guide (2021) to those who sit within the CRI space in the David Attenborough Building, including brief outlines of their research, department and contact details.
Academic Staff
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Matthew Adeleye | Assistant Professor of Physical Geography | Geography | Ma2073@cam.ac.uk |
Prof David Aldridge | Head of Aquatic Ecology group | Zoology | da113@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Laura Diaz Anadon | Professor of Climate Change Policy, CEENRG Director | Land Economy | lda24@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Andrew Balmford | Professor of Conservation Science | Zoology | apb12@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Francoise Barbira-Freedman | Fellow, Clare Hall | Social Anthropology | fb205@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jenny Bavidge | University Senior Lecturer | Institute of Continuing Education | jrb203@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Paul Chiruco | Senior Tutor of Fitzwilliam College, College Lecturer and Director of Studies in English | English | pac17@cam.ac.uk |
Prof David Coomes | Conservation Research Institute Director | Plant Science | dac18@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Meredith Crowley | Reader in International Economics | Economics | mc865@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Lynn Dicks | Head of Agroecology Research Group | Zoology | Lynn.Dicks@zoo.cam.ac.uk |
Dr Henry Disney | Senior Research Associate | Zoology | rhld2@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof David Edwards | Head of Tropical Ecology & Conservation Group | Plant Sciences | Dpe29@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Shailaja Fennell | Professor of Regional Transformation and Economic Security | Land Economy | ss141@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Rob Fletcher |
Miriam Rothschild Chair of Conservation Biology
Zoology | rf497@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Andrew Friend | Professor of Earth Systems Science | Geography | andrew.friend@geog.cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Jennifer Gabrys | Chair in Media, Culture & Environment | Sociology | jg899@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Rachael Garrett | Moran Professor of Conservation and Development | Geography | rg711@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Beverley Glover | Director of Cambridge University Botanic Gardens | Plant Science | bjg26@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Rhys Green | Honorary Professor of Conservation Science | Zoology | reg29@cam.ac.uk |
Prof A. Lindsay Greer | Professor of Materials Science | Materials Science & Metallurgy | alg13@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Jennifer Howard-Grenville | Director of the Doctoral Programme | Cambridge Judge Business School | j.howard-grenville@jbs.cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Stephen John | Lecturer | History and Philosophy of Science | sdj22@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Ilona Kater | Teaching Associate | Land Economy | ik410@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Srinivasan Keshav | Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science | Computer Science & Technology | sk818@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sergey Kolesnikov | Research Associate, CEENRG Deputy Director | Land Economy | sk2063@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Andreas Kontoleon | Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy | Land Economy | ak219@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Zoe Kourtzi | Professor of Experimental Psychology | Psychology | zk240@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Shaun Larcom | Professor of Environmental Economics & Policy | Land Economy | stl25@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Emily Lines | University Lecturer in Physical Geography, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Turing Fellow | Geography | erl27@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Zhaoyang (Leo) Liu | University Lecturer in Applied Economics | Land Economy | zl290@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Anil Madhavapeddy | Professor of Planetary Computing | Computer Science & Technology | avsm2@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Howard Nelson | MPhil Conservation and Leadership Affiliated Lecturer | Geography/FFI | howard.nelson@fauna-flora.org |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof David Owen | Professor of Structural and Molecular Biology | Cambridge Institute for Medical Research | djo30@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Adam Pellegrini | Head of Disturbance Ecology and Ecosystem Function group | Plant Sciences | ap2188@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Jason Rentfrow | Professor of Personality & Individual Differences | Psychology | pjr39@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Chris Sandbrook | Director of the MPhil in Conservation Leadership | Geography | cgs21@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Jim Secord | Professor of History & Philosophy of Science | History & Philosophy of Science | jas1010@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Bill Sutherland | Miriam Rothschild Professor of Conservation Biology | Zoology | wjs32@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Ed Tanner | Retired Senior Lecturer | Plant Sciences | evt1@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Edgar Turner | University Lecturer and Curator of Insects | Zoology | ect23@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Harro van Asselt | Hatton Professor of Climate Law | Land Economy | hva21@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Jorge E. Viñuales | Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy, Founder and Former Director of C-EENRG. | Land Economy | jev32@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Bhaskar Vira | Professor of Political Economy; Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education, Founder of the Conservation Research Institute |
Geography | bhaskar.vira@geog.cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof James Wood OBE | Alborada Professor of Equine and Farm Animal Science and Head of Department of Veterinary Medicine | Vet School | jlnw2@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Aiora Zabala | Assistant Professor & Director, MSt Climate, Environmental and Urban Policy, Department of Land Economy | Land Economy | az296@cam.ac.uk |
Research Staff
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Elia Apostolopoulou | Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow | Geography | ea367@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Thomas Ball | Research Associate | Zoology | tsb42@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Richard SK Barnes FRSSAf | Emeritus Fellow of St Catharine's College | Zoology | rsb1001@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Katherine Berthon | Research Associate | Zoology | kb809@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rekha Bhangaonkar | Research Associate | Land Economy | rab229@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Andrew Bladon | Research Associate | Zoology | ajb273@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ellie Bladon | Research Associate | Zoology | ekr23@cam.ac.uk |
Christopher Bousfield | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | cgb48@cam.ac.uk |
Dr André Butler | Research Associate | Land Economy | ajb385@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Alec Christie | Henslow Research Fellow | Zoology | apc58@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Joshua Copping | Research Associate | Zoology | jc2438@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Courtney Currier | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | cc2228@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Vanessa Cutts | Research Associate | Zoology | vc427@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Thomas David | Research Associate | Land Economy | td493@cam.ac.uk |
Makafui Isaac Dzudzor | Research Associate | Geography | md2067@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Alison Eyres | Research Associate | Zoology | ae491@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Javier Fajardo | Research Associate | Geography | jf675@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Katy Faulkner | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | kf426@cam.ac.uk |
William Rupert Moore Flynn | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | wrmf2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jérémy Fonvielle | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | jaf91@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Rachel Georgiou | Field Studies Coordinator | Chemistry | rhg36@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Francisco d'Albertas Gomes de Carvalho | Research Associate | Zoology | fd370@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Manoj Hari | Postdoctoral Research Associate | Geography | mh2297@cam.ac.uk |
Matthew Hayes | Research Assistant | Zoology | mph51@cam.ac.uk |
Jody Holland | Research Assistant | Zoology | jh2589@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Nikoleta Jones | Principle Research Associate | Land Economy | nj322@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Olesya Kolmakova | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | ok321@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Charlotte Kukowski | Research Associate | Psychology | cak54@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Paul M. Lohmann | Research Associate | Cambridge Judge Business School | pml44@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Joss Lyons-White | Research Associate | Department of Geography | jl2341@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Sarayu Manoj | Research Staff | Plant Sciences | sm2861@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Cicely Marshall | Visiting Research Fellow | Plant Sciences | cm997@cam.ac.uk |
Sol Meckievi | Research Associate | Land Economy | msm59@cam.ac.uk |
Dr William Morgan | Research Associate | Zoology | whm29@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Oscar Morton | Research Data & Analysis Manager | Plant Sciences | om403@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Debbie Pain | Honorary Research Fellow | Zoology | dp596@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Michael Pashkevich | Postdoctoral Fellow | Zoology | mdp48@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Roberto Pasqualino | Research Associate | Land Economy | rp747@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Silviu Petrovan | Senior Research Associate | Zoology | sop21@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Hamidreza Rahimi | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | hr501@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Malavika Rao | Visiting Researcher | Land Economy | mr2037@cam.ac.uk |
Dr E-Ping Rau | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | epr26@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sam Reynolds | Research Associate | Zoology | sar87@cam.ac.uk |
Asun Rodríguez-Uña | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | ar2190@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Oscar Sampaio | Research Assistant | Geography | os454@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sarah Scott | Postdoctoral Researcher | Zoology | ss3059@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Claudia Schneider | Research Associate | Maths/Psychology | cs2025@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jack Shutt | Research Associate | Zoology | jds83@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Trishant Simlai | Research Associate | Sociology | tts25@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rebecca Smith | Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Conservation Science Group, and Conservation Evidence Manager | Zoology | r.k.smith@zoo.cam.ac.uk |
Dr Tom Swinfield | Research Associate | Zoology | tws36@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Sam Vosper | Affiliated Lecturer | Land Economy | sjv31@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Catherine Waite | Research Associate | Zoology | cw871@cam.ac.uk |
Rupert Way | Research Associate | Land Economy | rjw58@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Charlotte Wheeler | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | cew88@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Phil Wilkes | Affiliated Researcher | Geography | pw533@cam.ac.uk |
Dr David Willer | Henslow Research Fellow | Zoology | dw460@cam.ac.uk |
Abigail Williams | Research Assistant for Conservation Science Group | Zoology | aew85@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Tom Worthington | Senior Research Associate | Zoology | taw52@cam.ac.uk |
Postgraduate Students
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Thomas Addoah | PhD Student | Geography | ta524@cam.ac.uk |
Raifa Al Maamari | PhD Student | Land Economy | rssma2@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
James Ball | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | jgcb3@cam.ac.uk |
Lindsey Barnes | MPhil Student | Zoology | Lab207@cam.ac.uk |
Martin Baur | PhD Student | Geography | mjb311@cam.ac.uk |
Felipe Nincao Begliomini | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | fnb25@cam.ac.uk |
Iris Berger | PhD Student | Zoology | ib451@cam.ac.uk |
Prerna Singh Bindra | PhD Student | Geography | psb32@cam.ac.uk |
Nynke Blömer | PhD Student | Zoology | nb619@cam.ac.uk |
Joyce Brandão | PhD Student | Geography | jb2494@cam.ac.uk |
Tom Bunting | PhD Student | Geography | thomas.bunting890@gmail.com |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Gianluca Cerullo | PhD Student | Zoology | grc38@cam.ac.uk |
Ben Chester Cheong | PhD Student | Land Economy | bcbcc2@cam.ac.uk |
Sayam U. Chowdhury | PhD Student | Zoology | suc21@cam.ac.uk |
Edgar Cifuentes | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | efc35@cam.ac.uk |
Guido Cimadamore-Werthein | PhD Student | Land Economy | gc642@cam.ac.uk |
Daniel Cossey | PhD Student | Zoology | dac89@cam.ac.uk |
Jessica Crow | PhD Student | Land Economy | jec241@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Sofia Dartnell | PhD Student | Zoology | skpd2@cam.ac.uk |
Valerio Donfrancesco | PhD Student | Geography | vd308@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Charles Emogor | PhD Student | Zoology | cae37@cam.ac.uk |
David Encarnation | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | dge26@cam.ac.uk |
Philip Erm | PhD Student | Zoology | ple23@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Murray Fallk | PhD Student | Land Economy | msf38@cam.ac.uk |
Erika Freeman | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | ecf31@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Jessa Garibay-Yayen | MPhil Student | Zoology | jbbg2@cam.ac.uk |
Vassilis Gkoumas | PhD Student | Land Economy | vg345@cam.ac.uk |
Lucy Goodman | PhD Student | Geography | lg368@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
María Inés Hernández | PhD Student | Geography | mih33@cam.ac.uk |
Amelia Holcomb | PhD Student | Computer Science & Technology | ah2174@cam.ac.uk |
Broderick House | PhD Student | Zoology | bjh63@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Jacqui Anne Susan James | PhD Student | Zoology | jasj3@cam.ac.uk |
James Johnston | PhD Student | Geography | jhj34@cam.ac.uk |
Nina de Jong | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | nkd30@cam.ac.uk |
Thea Jung | PhD Student | Land Economy | tlj25@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Chloe King | PhD student - away until Oct24 | Geography | ck585@cam.ac.uk |
Juliana Kohli | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | jmk85@cam.ac.uk |
Prisca Kouakou | PhD Student | Geography | kmpk2@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Miranda Lam | MPhil Student | Zoology | okml2@cam.ac.uk |
Miao Li | Visiting PhD Student | Zoology | ml2156@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Clara Ma | PhD Student, CEENRG Researcher | Land Economy | ctm41@cam.ac.uk |
Jeremy Marand | PhD Student, CEENRG Researcher | Land Economy | jm991@cam.ac.uk |
Simon Mathis | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | svm34@cam.ac.uk |
Xinran Miao | PhD Student | Land Economy | xm268@cam.ac.uk |
Charlotte Milbank | PhD Student | Geography | cm826@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Isobel Ollard | PhD Student | Zoology | iso21@cam.ac.uk |
Siyue Ouyang | PhD Student, CEENRG Researcher | Land Economy | so437@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Giovanny Perez | Visiting PhD Student | Plant Sciences | gap42@cam.ac.uk |
Robert Powell | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | rsp46@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Jin 'Jane' Qin | PhD Student, CEENRG Researchers | Land Economy | jq256@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Tejas Rao | PhD Student, CEENRG Researchers | Land Economy | tr465@cam.ac.uk |
Nadia Rehman | PhD Student | Land Economy | Nr536@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Ashley Simkins | PhD Student | Zoology | ats43@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Emily Wenban-Smith | MPhil Student | Zoology | ew581@cam.ac.uk |
Fleur Winn (nee Nash) | PhD Student | Geography | fn266@cam.ac.uk |
Trevelyan Wing | PhD Student, CEENRG Researcher | Land Economy | tsw32@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Jiashu Zhu | PhD Student | Land Economy | Jz568@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Leon Bennun | Visitor: Conservation Science Group | Zoology | lb691@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Mengyao Han | Visiting Scholar, CEENRG Fellow | Land Economy | |
Dr Katinka Johanson | Visiting Scholar | Land Economy | kj424@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Elliot Kinsey | Visitor | 4C & CRI | elliot.kinsey@compassionatecarbon.com |
Dr Jakub Kronenberg | Visitor with Chris Sandbrook | Geography | jakub.kronenberg@uni.lodz.pl |
Simone Markoff | Visiting PhD Student | Conservation Research Institute | |
Dr Eleanor Tew | Visitor, Conservation Science Group | Zoology | et390@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Anthony Waldron | Visitor | Zoology | aw845@cam.ac.uk |
Yanying Wang | Visitor | Land Economy | wyy98071@hotmail.com |
Ning Zhang | Visiting Academic | Land Economy | nz293@cam.ac.uk |
Professional Services
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Lucy Bigam | Project Coordinator | Geography | lb503@cam.ac.uk |
Lillian Bixler | Communications Coordinator | Plant Sciences | lb808@cam.ac.uk |
Shelley Bolderson | Networks Manager, Conservation Leadership | Geography | shelley.bolderson@geog.cam.ac.uk |
Claire Davies | Student Conference on Conservation Science Coordinator | Zoology | ccd43@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Helen Driver | Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | hvd23@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Laurie Friday | Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | laurie.friday@admin.cam.ac.uk |
Rebecca Gillet | Administrative Assistant, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | rg473@cam.ac.uk |
Lisa Harris | Programme Administrator, Conservation Leadership Mphil | Geography | lh382@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rick Lewis | Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | rl707@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Diane Lister | Research & Communications Manager | Geography | dll1000@cam.ac.uk |
Gordana Najdanovic | Head of Research Funding | Research Strategy Office | Gordana.Najdanovic@admin.cam.ac.uk |
Rachel Spring | Conservation Science Group Assistant | Zoology | rs842@cam.ac.uk |
Poppy Szaybo | Education and Inclusion Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | ps982@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Yi Zhang | Lab Manager | Plant Sciences | yz506@cam.ac.uk |
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Thomas Addoah | PhD Student | Geography | ta524@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Matthew Adeleye | Assistant Professor of Physical Geography | Geography | Ma2073@cam.ac.uk |
Raifa Al Maamari | PhD Student | Land Economy | rssma2@cam.ac.uk |
Prof David Aldridge | Head of Aquatic Ecology group | Zoology | da113@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Laura Diaz Anadon | Professor of Climate Change Policy, CEENRG Director | Land Economy | lda24@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Elia Apostolopoulou | Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow | Geography | ea367@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
James Ball | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | jgcb3@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Thomas Ball | Research Associate | Zoology | tsb42@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Andrew Balmford | Professor of Conservation Science | Zoology | apb12@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Francoise Barbira-Freedman | Fellow, Clare Hall | Social Anthropology | fb205@cam.ac.uk |
Lindsey Barnes | MPhil Student | Zoology | Lab207@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Richard SK Barnes FRSSAf | Emeritus Fellow of St Catharine's College | Zoology | rsb1001@cam.ac.uk |
Martin Baur | PhD Student | Geography | mjb311@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jenny Bavidge | University Senior Lecturer | Institute of Continuing Education | jrb203@cam.ac.uk |
Felipe Nincao Begliomini | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | fnb25@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Leon Bennun | Visitor: Conservation Science Group | Zoology | lb691@cam.ac.uk |
Iris Berger | PhD Student | Zoology | ib451@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Katherine Berthon | Research Associate | Zoology | kb809@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rekha Bhangaonkar | Research Associate | Land Economy | rab229@cam.ac.uk |
Lucy Bigam | Project Coordinator | Geography | lb503@cam.ac.uk |
Prerna Singh Bindra | PhD Student | Geography | psb32@cam.ac.uk |
Lillian Bixler | Communications Coordinator | Plant Sciences | lb808@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Andrew Bladon | Research Associate | Zoology | ajb273@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Ellie Bladon | Research Associate | Zoology | ekr23@cam.ac.uk |
Nynke Blömer | PhD Student | Zoology | nb619@cam.ac.uk |
Shelley Bolderson | Networks Manager, Conservation Leadership | Geography | shelley.bolderson@geog.cam.ac.uk |
Christopher Bousfield | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | cgb48@cam.ac.uk |
Joyce Brandão | PhD Student | Geography | jb2494@cam.ac.uk |
Tom Bunting | PhD Student | Geography | thomas.bunting890@gmail.com |
Dr André Butler | Research Associate | Land Economy | ajb385@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Francisco d'Albertas Gomes de Carvalho | Research Associate | Zoology | fd370@cam.ac.uk |
Gianluca Cerullo | PhD Student | Zoology | grc38@cam.ac.uk |
Ben Chester Cheong | PhD Student | Land Economy | bcbcc2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Paul Chiruco | Senior Tutor of Fitzwilliam College, as well as College Lecturer and Director of Studies in English | English | pac17@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Alec Christie | Henslow Research Fellow | Zoology | apc58@cam.ac.uk |
Sayam U. Chowdhury | PhD Student | Zoology | suc21@cam.ac.uk |
Edgar Cifuentes | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | efc35@cam.ac.uk |
Guido Cimadamore-Werthein | PhD Student | Land Economy | gc642@cam.ac.uk |
Prof David Coomes | Conservation Research Institute Director | Plant Science | dac18@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Joshua Copping | Research Associate | Zoology | jc2438@cam.ac.uk |
Daniel Cossey | PhD Student | Zoology | dac89@cam.ac.uk |
Jessica Crow | PhD Student | Land Economy | jec241@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Meredith Crowley | Reader in International Economics | Economics | mc865@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Courtney Currier | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | cc2228@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Vanessa Cutts | Research Associate | Zoology | vc427@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Sofia Dartnell | PhD Student | Zoology | skpd2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Thomas David | Research Associate | Land Economy | td493@cam.ac.uk |
Claire Davies | Student Conference on Conservation Science Coordinator | Zoology | ccd43@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Lynn Dicks | Head of Agroecology Research Group | Zoology | Lynn.Dicks@zoo.cam.ac.uk |
Dr Henry Disney | Senior Research Associate | Zoology | rhld2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Helen Driver | Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | hvd23@cam.ac.uk |
Valerio Donfrancesco | PhD Student | Geography | vd308@cam.ac.uk |
Makafui Isaac Dzudzor | Research Associate | Geography | md2067@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof David Edwards | Head of Tropical Ecology & Conservation Group | Plant Sciences | dpe29@cam.ac.uk |
Charles Emogor | PhD Student | Zoology | cae37@cam.ac.uk |
David Encarnation | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | dge26@cam.ac.uk |
Philip Erm | PhD Student | Zoology | ple23@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Alison Eyres | Research Associate | Zoology | ae491@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Javier Fajardo | Research Associate | Geography | jf675@cam.ac.uk |
Murray Fallk | PhD Student | Land Economy | msf38@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Katy Faulkner | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | kf426@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Shailaja Fennell | Professor of Regional Transformation and Economic Security | Land Economy | ss141@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Rob Fletcher |
Miriam Rothschild Chair of Conservation Biology
Zoology | rf497@cam.ac.uk |
William Rupert Moore Flynn | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | wrmf2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jérémy Fonvielle | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | jaf91@cam.ac.uk |
Erika Freeman | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | ecf31@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Laurie Friday | Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | laurie.friday@admin.cam.ac.uk |
Prof Andrew Friend | Professor of Earth Systems Science | Geography | andrew.friend@geog.cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Jennifer Gabrys | Chair in Media, Culture & Environment | Sociology | jg899@cam.ac.uk |
Jessa Garibay-Yayen | MPhil Student | Zoology | jbbg2@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Rachael Garrett | Moran Professor of Conservation and Development | Geography | rg711@cam.ac.uk |
Rachel Georgiou | Field Studies Coordinator | Chemistry | rhg36@cam.ac.uk |
Rebecca Gillet | Administrative Assistant, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | rg473@cam.ac.uk |
Vassilis Gkoumas | PhD Student | Land Economy | vg345@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Beverley Glover | Director of Cambridge University Botanic Garden | Plant Science | bjg26@cam.ac.uk |
Lucy Goodman | PhD Student | Geography | lg368@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Rhys Green | Honorary Professor of Conservation Science | Zoology | reg29@cam.ac.uk |
Prof A. Lindsay Greer | Professor of Materials Science | Materials Science & Metallurgy | alg13@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Mengyao Han | Visiting Scholar at LE, CEENRG Fellow | Land Economy | |
Dr Manoj Hari | Postdoctoral Research Associate | Geography | mh2297@cam.ac.uk |
Lisa Harris | Programme Administrator, Conservation Leadership MPhil | Geography | lh382@cam.ac.uk |
Matthew Hayes | Research Assistant | Zoology | mph51@cam.ac.uk |
María Inés Hernández | PhD Student | Geography | mih33@cam.ac.uk |
Amelia Holcomb | PhD Student | Computer Science & Technology | ah2174@cam.ac.uk |
Jody Holland | Research Assistant | Zoology | jh2589@cam.ac.uk |
Broderick House | PhD Student | Zoology | bjh63@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Jennifer Howard-Grenville | Director of the Doctoral Programme | Cambridge Judge Business School | j.howard-grenville@jbs.cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Jacqui Anne Susan James | PhD Student | Zoology | jasj3@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Stephen John | Lecturer | History and Philosophy of Science | sdj22@cam.ac.uk |
James Johnston | PhD Student | Geography | jhj34@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Nikoleta Jones | Principle Research Associate | Land Economy | nj322@cam.ac.uk |
Nina de Jong | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | nkd30@cam.ac.uk |
Thea Jung | PhD Student | Land Economy | tlj25@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Ilona Kater | Teaching Associate | Land Economy | ik410@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Srinivasan Keshav | Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science | Computer Science & Technology | sk818@cam.ac.uk |
Chloe King | PhD student - away until Oct24 | Geography | ck585@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Elliot Kinsey | Visitor | 4C & CRI | elliot.kinsey@compassionatecarbon.com |
Juliana Kohli | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | jmk85@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sergey Kolesnikov | Research Associate, CEENRG Deputy Director | Land Economy | sk2063@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Olesya Kolmakova | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | ok321@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Andreas Kontoleon | Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy | Land Economy | ak219@cam.ac.uk |
Prisca Kouakou | PhD Student | Geography | kmpk2@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Zoe Kourtzi | Professor of Experimental Psychology | Psychology | zk240@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jakub Kronenberg | Visitor with Chris Sandbrook | Geography | jakub.kronenberg@uni.lodz.pl |
Dr Charlotte Kukowski | Research Associate | Psychology | cak54@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Miranda Lam | MPhil Student | Zoology | okml2@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Shaun Larcom | Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy | Land Economy | stl25@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rick Lewis | Research Programme Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | rl707@cam.ac.uk |
Miao Li | Visiting PhD Student | Zoology | ml2156@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Emily Lines | University Lecturer in Physical Geography, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Turing Fellow | Geography | erl27@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Diane Lister | Research & Communications Manager | Geography | dll1000@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Zhaoyang (Leo) Liu | University Lecturer in Applied Economics | Land Economy | zl290@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Paul M. Lohmann | Research Associate | Cambridge Judge Business School | pml44@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Joss Lyons-White | Research Associate | Geography | jl2341@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Clara Ma | PhD Student, CEENRG Researcher | Land Economy | ctm41@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Anil Madhavapeddy | Professor of Planetary Computing | Computer Science & Technology | avsm2@cam.ac.uk |
Sarayu Manoj | Research Staff | Plant Sciences | sm2861@cam.ac.uk |
Jeremy Marand | PhD Student, CEENRG Researcher | Land Economy | jm991@cam.ac.uk |
Simone Markoff | Visiting PhD Student | Conservation Research Institute | |
Dr Cicely Marshall | Visiting Research Fellow | Plant Sciences | cm997@cam.ac.uk |
Simon Mathis | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | svm34@cam.ac.uk |
Sol Meckievi | Research Associate | Land Economy | msm59@cam.ac.uk |
Xinran Miao | PhD Student | Land Economy | xm268@cam.ac.uk |
Charlotte Milbank | PhD Student | Geography | cm826@cam.ac.uk |
Dr William Morgan | Research Associate | Zoology | whm29@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Oscar Morton | Research Data & Analysis Manager | Plant Sciences | om403@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Gordana Najdanovic | Head of Research Funding | Research Strategy Office | Gordana.Najdanovic@admin.cam.ac.uk |
Dr Howard Nelson | MPhil Conservation and Leadership Affiliated Lecturer | Geography/FFI | howard.nelson@fauna-flora.org |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Isobel Ollard | PhD Student | Zoology | iso21@cam.ac.uk |
Siyue Ouyang | PhD Student, CEENRG Researcher | Land Economy | so437@cam.ac.uk |
Prof David Owen | Professor of Structural and Molecular Biology | Cambridge Institute for Medical Research | djo30@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Prof Debbie Pain | Honorary Research Fellow | Zoology | dp596@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Michael Pashkevich | Postdoctoral Fellow | Zoology | mdp48@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Roberto Pasqualino | Research Associate | Land Economy | rp747@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Adam Pellegrini | Head of Disturbance Ecology and Ecosystem Function group | Plant Sciences | ap2188@cam.ac.uk |
Giovanny Perez | Visiting PhD Student | Plant Sciences | gap42@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Silviu Petrovan | Senior Research Associate | Zoology | sop21@cam.ac.uk |
Robert Powell | PhD Student | Plant Sciences | rsp46@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Jin 'Jane' Qin | PhD Student, CEENRG Researchers | Land Economy | jq256@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Hamidreza Rahimi | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | hr501@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Malavika Rao | Visiting Researcher | Land Economy | mr2037@cam.ac.uk |
Dr E-Ping Rau | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | epr26@cam.ac.uk |
Nadia Rehman | PhD Student | Land Economy | Nr536@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Jason Rentfrow | Professor of Personality & Individual Differences | Psychology | pjr39@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sam Reynolds | Research Associate | Zoology | sar87@cam.ac.uk |
Asun Rodríguez | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | ar2190@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Oscar Sampaio | Research Assistant | Geography | os454@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Chris Sandbrook | Director of the MPhil in Conservation Leadership | Geography | cgs21@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Claudia Schneider | Research Associate | Maths/Psychology | cs2025@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sarah Scott | Postdoctoral Researcher | Zoology | ss3059@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Jim Secord | Professor of History & Philosophy of Science | History & Philosophy of Science | jas1010@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Jack Shutt | Research Associate | Zoology | jds83@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Trishant Simlai | Research Associate | Sociology | tts25@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Rebecca Smith | Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Conservation Science Group, Conservation Evidence Manager |
Zoology | r.k.smith@zoo.cam.ac.uk |
Rachel Spring | Conservation Science Group Assistant | Zoology | rs842@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Bill Sutherland | Miriam Rothschild Professor of Conservation Biology | Zoology | wjs32@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Tom Swinfield | Research Associate | Zoology | tws36@cam.ac.uk |
Poppy Szaybo | Education and Inclusion Manager, Centre for Landscape Regeneration | Plant Sciences | ps982@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Ed Tanner | Retired senior lecturer | Plant Sciences | evt1@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Eleanor Tew | Visitor, Conservation Science Group | Zoology | et390@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Edgar Turner | University Lecturer and Curator of Insects | Zoology | ect23@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Harro van Asselt | Hatton Professor of Climate Law | Land Economy | hva21@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Jorge E. Viñuales | Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy; Founder & Former Director of C-EENRG. | Land Economy | jev32@cam.ac.uk |
Prof Bhaskar Vira | Professor of Political Economy; Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education, Founder of the Conservation Research Institute |
Geography | bhaskar.vira@geog.cam.ac.uk |
Dr Sam Vosper | Affiliated Lecturer | Land Economy | sjv31@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Catherine Waite | Research Associate | Zoology | cw871@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Anthony Waldron | Visitor | Zoology | aw845@cam.ac.uk |
Yanying Wang | Visitor | Land Economy | wyy98071@hotmail.com |
Rupert Way | Research Associate | Land Economy | rjw58@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Charlotte Wheeler | Research Associate | Plant Sciences | cew88@cam.ac.uk |
Emily Wenban-Smith | MPhil Student | Zoology | ew581@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Phil Wilkes | Affiliated Researcher | Geography | pw533@cam.ac.uk |
Dr David Willer | Henslow Research Fellow | Zoology | dw460@cam.ac.uk |
Abigail Williams | Research Assistant Conservation Science Group |
Zoology | aew85@cam.ac.uk |
Trevelyan Wing | PhD Student, CEENRG Researcher | Land Economy | tsw32@cam.ac.uk |
Fleur Winn (nee Nash) | PhD Student | Geography | fn266@cam.ac.uk |
Prof James Wood OBE | Alborada Professor of Equine and Farm Animal Science Head of Department of Veterinary Medicine |
Vet School | jlnw2@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Tom Worthington | Senior Research Associate | Zoology | taw52@cam.ac.uk |
Name | Role | Department | Email address |
Dr Aiora Zabala | Assistant Professor & Director, MSt Climate, Environmental and Urban Policy, Department of Land Economy | Land Economy | az296@cam.ac.uk |
Ning Zhang | Visiting Academic | Land Economy | nz293@cam.ac.uk |
Dr Yi Zhang | Lab Manager | Plant Sciences | yz506@cam.ac.uk |
Jiashu Zhu | PhD Student | Land Economy | Jz568@cam.ac.uk |