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Conservation Research Institute


CCI Conservation Seminar - Dr Sue Snyman, School of Wildlife Conservation, African Leadership University, Rwanda

MONDAY 29th January, 4 to 5 pm, DAB Main Seminar Room

Unlocking and growing the wildlife economy in Africa: aligning conservation and development 

Dr. Snyman will look at how we need to rethink conservation as a vital contributor to development rather than as a barrier. Through presenting the wildlife economy research done by the African Leadership University’s School of Wildlife Conservation, particularly the Wildlife Economy Investment Index, she will showcase wildlife as an underutilised asset with the potential to unlock remarkable economic opportunities in Africa.  Her talk will be an invitation to view conservation through a new lens, where protection goes hand-in-hand with prosperity and where investing in our natural world can create sustainable wildlife economies that promote conservation and drive development. 

Dr Susan (Sue) Snyman is Director of Research at the African Leadership University’s School of Wildlife Conservation, with over 20 years’ experience in resource economics, rural communities, ecotourism, development and conservation in Africa. 

Refreshments will be served afterwards the DAB common room.

Sign-up form for a Zoom link here:

Photo credited to Gregoire Dubois.

Monday, 29 January, 2024 - 16:00 to 17:00
Event location: 
Main Seminar Room, David Attenborough Building