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Conservation Research Institute


Plant Sciences/Centre for Global Wood Security/CRI Seminar -  Fangyuan Hua, Peking University

Dr. Fangyuan Hua, Peking University

Navigating the trade-off between biodiversity and wood production under forest restoration

Fangyuan’s research investigates optimal land allocation among different forest management and restoration regimes. She looks at what factors minimise the biodiversity cost of timber production as well as the restoration potential of agricultural and forestry land abandonment. Fangyuan also seeks to understand the ecological responses of species and assemblages to human alterations of forest ecosystems, to inform restoration design and better deliver the biodiversity conservation potential of forest restoration. 

Join the Teams meeting online → Meeting ID: 322 444 595 709 Passcode: ZH9tV2Wi

Thursday, 6 February, 2025 - 11:00
Event location: 