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Conservation Research Institute


Delivering the Blueprint: Integrating the values of nature into public policy. Thursday Sept 19th.

David Attenborough Building, University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Conservation Initiative (with support by the OECD Cooperative Research Programme).

Thanks to the provision of additional funding a limited number of places are now available free for Thursday 19th. 

Environmental economists have been telling us for decades what changes are needed to our economic system to enable better stewardship of nature. The seminal Blueprint for a Green Economy was published 30 years ago and clearly set out the required principles of an economic system that takes nature’s values into account. These ‘natural capital’ approaches have had an impact on business and public policy. But, so far, they have failed to halt the over-exploitation and under-investment in nature.  Is better economics the answer? Or are there limits to what economics can solve? 

This conference brings together global experience from across the world on the successes and limitations of natural capital approaches in policy and seeks to identify the changes required to unlock the potential of changes to an economic system that values the natural world. 

Sessions will cover:

  • Mainstreaming across government – Where are the examples of countries integrating the values of nature outside Ministry for Environment and successfully across government decision-making? Speakers from the Green Growth Knowledge Platform, the Global Green Growth Institute, the OECD and the Natural Capital Project provide an overview of the situation today, as well as focusing on specific examples including the case of China. 
  • Environmental values at a landscape level – What more is needed to enable landscapes to be managed, taking account of the multiple benefits of nature to different people. Speakers from IPBES, from the Marker-Wadden Project and from UNEP FI discuss the importance of place-specific relational values, the challenges of behaviour change at a landscape level and the potential of governance managing values at a landscape level.
  • Making finance work for nature – To what extent can we redirect financial flows to promote environmental values rather than destroy them? Speakers from UNEP FI, CSIRO and IUCN discuss specific examples of mechanisms available to promote markets for environmental values, and the limits they face.
  • Political will – Why do environmental issues continue to be seen as relatively low priority when the evidence and indeed the public interest demand the opposite? Where and how is this starting to change? Speakers from New Zealand, the Netherlands, Scotland and England discuss progress in their respective countries and what we can learn from this experience.

Whilst free, registration for the Thursday meeting is still required here:

Places for the evening dinner, and for the Friday workshop, are now full.


Thursday, 19 September, 2019 - 09:30
Event location: 
DAB, Pembroke Street, CB2 3QZ