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Conservation Research Institute


When: 1.30pm, Wednesday 28 April

Meeting ID: 115 814 437
Password: 022424

Speaker: Daniel I. Rubenstein

Title: Moonshot for the Environment:  A new way of funding emerging scientists

Abstract: Attached is a press release and link to the beta version of our website describing our new venture called ‘Original Pursuit’.  Shortly, a team consisting of a scientist, media producer, financial wizard and charismatic communicator and managing director will share it with the public on a new way forward in supporting new and fundamental research by emerging scientists that will do significant environmental and social good.  Our aim is to share it first with the CCI lunch group because it resonates with the CCI mission and because CCI is ideally set up to identify and solve problems and partner with environmental organizations put them in play.  The team will share additional thoughts, garner feedback, start a dialogue and encourage those whose interests resonate with the aims of Original Pursuit to apply to become ChangeMakers.

Wednesday, 28 April, 2021 - 13:30