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Conservation Research Institute


In this Thursday's weekly networking session, we will be joined by Dr Michelle Kalamandeen.

Title: Time-series analysis of restoration of industrial landscapes using hyper-and-multispectral imagery

 Abstract: Recovering secondary forests offer great potential for storing atmospheric carbon and aid in mitigation of global climate change. However, most of these efforts have focused on landscapes formerly under pasture or agriculture, with a missed opportunity in examining industrial landscapes where the carbon sequestration potential may be greatest. Using hyper-and-multispectral imagery coupled with field-based measurements, we estimate carbon accumulation in different actively restored and naturally regenerating areas over 35-years in Sudbury, Canada, home to the largest known nickel deposits on Earth and one of the world’s largest mining and smelting complexes. We also explore the carbon removal and pollution abatement factors and cost implications under current and future carbon and pollution abatement pricing, and their return on investments.

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 878 3981 3735

Thursday, 20 May, 2021 - 11:00