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Conservation Research Institute



Back in July 2024, we hosted a workshop with some of our Evidence Champions. We were keen to learn how they are embedding evidence in their conservation projects and explore ways that we can improve what we do here at Conservation Evidence. From these discussions, it became clear that we could improve how we communicate the tools and resources we have developed, as well as provide better guidance on how they can be used by organisations to enhance evidence use and improve practice.

With this in mind, we have developed the Conservation Evidence Toolkit, a collection of freely available tools and resources, co-designed with practitioners, funders, policymakers and other academics to support the use and generation of evidence for improved practice (Smith et al. 2023).

You can download this new tool for free here:

We have taken inspiration from the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation and structured the Toolkit around the five main stages of a conservation project. So, for any stage of a conservation project, you can see a brief description of the main activities, and explore a collection of useful tools and resources.


Smith, R. K., Morgan, W. H., Al‐Fulaij, N., Amano, T., Bowkett, A. E., Christie, A., ... & Sutherland, W. J. (2023). Co‐designing a toolkit for evidence‐based decision making in conservation: Processes and lessons. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 4(3), e12269.