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Conservation Research Institute


In honor of World Pangolin Day, February 20, 2021, Save Pangolins is hosting a virtual charity run  in support of our conservation programs.  All eight species of pangolins are threatened with extinction, and for World Pangolin Day our friend and pangolin conservationist Charles will be running in a pangolin suit for eight hours straight, one hour for each species.  Will Highfield will be running in tandem with Charles in a gorilla suit. Pangolins and gorillas share the same habitats in many pangolin ranges, and given they face similar threats, they have decided to partner on a #pangorilla run.

We encourage you to support our runners by making a donation to our GoFundMe page, or if you feel inspired, click “Join” and create your own run to raise funds for our cause.  You can run eight miles for each of the eight species, run 80 kilometers, walk for eight minutes, or anything in between. 

People all over the world will create their own version of a pangolin run to help us spread awareness and raise funds for pangolin conservation on February 20, 2021. If you’d like to support us, please help us recruit runners and pangolin lovers to join our cause.

Meet the Runners

Charles Emogor is a PhD student at Cambridge University, England. His research centers on understanding the ecology of the white-bellied pangolin. He also works with people living around pangolin habitats in Nigeria to understand the level of threats pangolins face. Charles is from Nigeria and has been fascinated by pangolins since he was eight. Charles founded Pangolino to communicate the science of pangolin conservation using art and aims to inspire public actions to curb pangolin decline.

Will Highfield has been running marathons and ultra-marathons (sometimes in a gorilla suit!) to raise funds and awareness for gorilla conservation and the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. He created the “Jersey Gorilla” together with Facebook, Instagram and Youtube accounts of the same name to continue inspiring the public through his endurance events. Since January 2019, Will has raised almost £50,000 to support the work of Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. By 2025, which would be Gerald Durrell’s 100th Birthday, he plans to run marathons in each of the locations that Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust has a field conservation team.

Charles will run around Cambridge in a pangolin suit for 8 hours, each hour for each pangolin species.