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Conservation Research Institute


CCI Conservation Seminar - Prof Helen Roy, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology   

Curbing the global threat of biological invasions: perspectives, predictions and policy

Abstract TBC

With 'Happy Hour' in the DAB Common Room after the seminar.

NOTE TIME CHANGE: This Seminar will take place on a TUESDAY at 4PM

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Invasive non-native species are one of the major drivers of ongoing global biodiversity loss, adversely impacting people and nature in all regions of Earth. Indeed, the recently published Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) thematic assessment report on invasive alien species and their control provides unequivocal evidence of the major and growing threat of invasive alien species; an increasing number of species are being transported beyond their natural ranges into new areas through a wide range of human activities. However, there are many realistic approaches to manage biological invasions with far reaching benefits. Here I will provide an overview of biological invasions and the ways in which, by working together, we can make ambitious progress to address the threat of invasive non-native species.  


Professor Helen E Roy MBE, is an ecologist with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the University of Exeter. Her research focuses on the effects of environmental change, particularly biological invasions, on biodiversity and ecosystems. Helen leads many collaborative national and international research projects on biological invasions, with a focus on enhancing information flow to inform understanding of the impacts of invasive alien species. As an example, Helen is leading a Darwin Plus funded study to co-develop data systems on invasive alien species with communities across the UK Overseas Territories.  Helen also enjoys science communication and public engagement with research, which led to her interest in citizen science, an approach that she has implemented in a number of contexts. She recently led a global assessment on invasive non-native species for the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.Professor Helen E Roy MBE, is an ecologist with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the University of Exeter. Her research focuses on the effects of environmental change, particularly biological invasions, on biodiversity and ecosystems. Helen leads many collaborative national and international research projects on biological invasions, with a focus on enhancing information flow to inform understanding of the impacts of invasive alien species. As an example, Helen is leading a Darwin Plus funded study to co-develop data systems on invasive alien species with communities across the UK Overseas Territories.  Helen also enjoys science communication and public engagement with research, which led to her interest in citizen science, an approach that she has implemented in a number of contexts. She recently led a global assessment on invasive non-native species for the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

Tuesday, 21 May, 2024 - 16:00 to 17:00
Event location: 
Main Seminar Room, David Attenborough Building