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Conservation Research Institute



As Head of the KBA Secretariat I help the KBA Committee implement the KBA Programme. The KBA Programme is undertaking to identify, map, delineate and secure sites that are globally important for the persistence of biodiversity around the World. Key actions include supporting the development of the World Database of KBAs, developing training and communications materials, engaging governments, donors and the business community to make them aware of and encouraging them to conserve KBAs, supporting KBA National Coordination Groups to identify and delineate KBAs, and promoting the monitoring and conservation of KBAs. 


Key publications: 

Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas,” WF Laurance, DC Useche, J Rendeiro, M Kalka, CJA Bradshaw, Nature 489 (7415), 290

The biodiversity of the Albertine Rift,” AJ Plumptre, TRB Davenport, M Behangana, R Kityo, G Eilu, P Segawa, Biological conservation 134 (2), 178-194

Monitoring mammal populations with line transect techniques in African forests,” AJ Plumptre, Journal of Applied Ecology 37 (2), 356-368

The effect of selective logging on the primate populations in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda,” AJ Plumptre, V Reynolds, Journal of Applied Ecology, 631-641

Devastating decline of forest elephants in Central Africa,” F Maisels, S Strindberg, S Blake, G Wittemyer, J Hart, EA Williamson, PloS one 8 (3), e59469

Effects of war and civil strife on wildlife and wildlife habitats,” JP Dudley, JR Ginsberg, AJ Plumptre, JA Hart, LC Campos, Conservation Biology 16 (2), 319-329

Conserving large carnivores: dollars and fence,” C Packer, A Loveridge, S Canney, T Caro, ST Garnett, M Pfeifer, Ecology letters 16 (5), 635-641

Changes following 60 years of selective timber harvesting in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda,” AJ Plumptre, Forest Ecology and Management 89 (1-3), 101-113

Design and analysis of line transect surveys for primates,” ST Buckland, AJ Plumptre, L Thomas, EA Rexstad, International Journal of Primatology 31 (5), 833-847

Counting primates for conservation: primate surveys in Uganda,” AJ Plumptre, D Cox, Primates 47 (1), 65-73

Censusing chimpanzees in the Budongo forest, Uganda,” AJ Plumptre, V Reynolds, International Journal of Primatology 17 (1), 85-99

Estimating the biomass of large mammalian herbivores in a tropical montane forest: a method of faecal counting that avoids assuming a 'steady state' system,” AJ Plumptre, S Harris, Journal of Applied Ecology, 111-120

Recent decline in suitable environmental conditions for African great apes,” J Junker, S Blake, C Boesch, G Campbell, L du Toit, C Duvall, A Ekobo, Diversity and Distributions 18 (11), 1077-1091

Food supply and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) party size in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda,” NE Newton-Fisher, V Reynolds, AJ Plumptre, International Journal of Primatology 21 (4), 613-628

Nesting behavior of chimpanzees: implications for censuses,” AJ Plumptre, V Reynolds, International Journal of Primatology 18 (4), 475-485

The socio-economic status of people living near protected areas in the Central Albertine Rift,” AJ Plumptre, A Kayitare, H Rainer, M Gray, I Munanura, N Barakabuye, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), New York 10

Nutritional composition of the diet of the gorilla (Gorilla beringei): a comparison between two montane habitats,” JM Rothman, AJ Plumptre, ES Dierenfeld, AN Pell, Journal of Tropical Ecology 23 (6), 673-682

Edge effects on the understory bird community in a logged forest in Uganda,” S Dale, K Mork, R Solvang, AJ Plumptre, Conservation Biology 14 (1), 265-276

Human-wildlife conflict: Identifying the problem and possible solutions,” C Hill, F Osborn, AJ Plumptre, New York (USA) WCS

Condensed tannins and sugars in the diet of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Budongo Forest, Uganda,” V Reynolds, AJ Plumptre, J Greenham, J Harborne, Oecologia 115 (3), 331-336

Key Biodiversity Areas Secretariat


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