My research concerns assessing the socio-economic and natural world impacts of government policies designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in order to meet climate targets such as the Paris Agreement. For this, I use large complex models that simulate technology systems (e.g. energy use), the macroeconomy, the carbon cycle/climate system and the land-use system. I lead a highly multidisciplinary group of scientists from various institutions with that goal. We identify plausible policy pathways to reach climate targets, and interact with policy-makers at various levels of governance, in order to feed scientific information into the policy cycle.
The role of money and the financial sector in energy-economy models used for assessing climate and energy policy, H. Pollitt & J.-F. Mercure, Climate Policy (2017) DOI:10.1080/14693062.2016.1277685
Policy-induced energy technological innovation and finance for low-carbon economic growth, J.-F. Mercure, F. Knobloch, H. Pollitt, R. Lewney, K. Rademakers, L. Eichler, J. van der Laan, L. Paroussos, European Commission (2016), Macro-Energy_Innovation_D2 Final %28Ares registered%29.pdf
Modelling complex systems of heterogeneous agents to better design sustainability transitions policy, J-F Mercure, H. Pollitt, A. M. Bassi, J.. E Viñuales, N. R. Edwards, Global Environmental Change, 37 (2016) 102–115,
The effectiveness of policy on consumer choices for private road passenger transport emissions reductions in six major economies,
J.-F. Mercure & A. Lam, Environmental Research Letters, 10 (2015) 064008 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/6/064008
The dynamics of technology diffusion and the impacts of climate policy instruments in the decarbonisation of the global electricity sector. J.-F. Mercure, P. Salas, A. Foley, U. Chewpreecha, H. Pollitt, P. B. Holden, & N. R. Edwards, Energy Policy, 73, 686–700 (2014)