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Conservation Research Institute



Professor Beverley Glover came to Cambridge in 1996 following a PhD at the John Innes Centre in Norwich. Her main area of interest is the evolution and development of floral features which attract pollinating animals. She is keen to approach questions of floral evolution in an integrative way, combining molecular genetic approaches to understand floral development with functional analyses using bumblebees and other pollinators. Where possible, these projects are carried out with regard to the phylogenetic context. The research group’s work on these topics is underpinned by the living collection of Cambridge University Botanic Garden, of which Beverley is also Director.


The Glover lab focuses on understanding the evolution and development of the traits of flowers that attract and reward diverse pollinating animals.

Director of Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Professor Beverley  Glover

Contact Details

Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street
01223 333938


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