Professor Jorge E. Viñuales holds the Harold Samuel Chair of Law and Environmental Policy at the University of Cambridge and is the founder and former Director of the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG). He is also a Member (Associé) of the Institut de Droit International, the Chairman of the Compliance Committee of the UN-ECE/WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health, the co-General Editor of the ICSID Reports (CUP), the General-Editor of the Cambridge Studies on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance (CUP), a member of the Panel of Arbitrators of the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre and the Director-General of the Latin American Society of International Law. Prior to joining Cambridge, he was the Pictet Chair of International Environmental Law at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, where he keeps a limited affiliation as Adjunct Professor of Public International Law. At Cambridge, he has served as head of research, director of the PhD programme, director of three MPhil programmes, and centre director.
Jorge's work focuses on sustainability transitions from interdisciplinary and disciplinary perspectives (international/EU/comparative law)
The Architecture of Environmental Law: A Comparative Analysis (Oxford University Press, on contract, forthcoming in 2020).
The International Law of Energy (Cambridge University Press, on contract, forthcoming in 2020).
The Organisation of the Anthropocene. In Our Hands? (The Hague: Brill Research Perspectives, 2018).
International Environmental Law (Cambridge University Press, 2015, 2nd edn. 2018) (co-author with P.-M. Dupuy)
The Application of Environmental Law to Nuclear Weapons Production, Deployment and Use (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), 2018) (co-authored with G. Le Moli).
Green Industrial Policy and Trade: A Tool-Box (Geneva: Partnership for Action on Green Economy, 2017) (practitioners’ manual).
‘A Human Rights Approach to Extraterritorial Environmental Protection? An Assessment’, in Bhuta, N. (ed.), The Frontiers of Human Rights. Extraterritoriality and its Challenges (Oxford University Press, 2016) (monographic course delivered at the EUI Academy in 2013).
Trade and the Green Economy (Geneva: Partnership for Action on Green Economy, 2016) (training manual).
Introduction au droit international de l’environnement (Brussels: Bruylant, 2015) (shorter version of the textbook published with Cambridge University Press) (co-author with P.-M. Dupuy)
Foreign Investment and the Environment in International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2012, reprint 2015).
El régimen jurídico internacional relativo al cambio climático: Perspectivas y prospectivas, in: Organisation of American States (O.A.S.)/Inter-American Juridical Committee, Course on International Law ("Universalism and Regionalism at the Beginning of the 21st Century"), vol. XXXVI, 2010 (monographic course).
L’admission d’amici curiae dans le cadre de l’arbitrage d'investissement. Analyse et sources (Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies, 2008) (co-author with F. Grisel).
Teaching and Supervisions
Jorge has lectured widely around the world, including in Azerbaijan (Diplomatic Academy), Brazil (USP and PUC), Burundi (UNESCO Chair), China (PKU, Nanjing, Wuhan), France (College de France, EHESS, Pantheon-Assas, Sciences Po, Sorbonne), Georgia (Tbilisi), Greece (Thessaloniki), Italy (EUI, UC Milano, La Sapienza, Siena), Iran (TeIAS), Hungary (ELTE), Mexico (UAM), Norway (Oslo, ILPI), Rwanda (Kigali IAM), Spain (UAM, Rovira i Virgili), the UK (Edinburgh and Oxford), and the US (Harvard), and he regularly lectures in the UN Regional Courses (Addis Ababa, Montevideo, Santiago), the UN International Fellowship (The Hague), and the OAS courses (Rio de Janeiro).