UCCRI has a network of over 150 people working around conservation, from all 6 schools of the University of Cambridge.
Use this A-Z to find members of the UCCRI network by surname. You can also browse for members by research theme.
If you would like to join our conservation website directory and mailing list, please email uccri-administrator@conservation.cam.ac.uk.
Name | Email address | Office phone | Job titles |
Dr Florian Zellweger | fz255@cam.ac.uk | Postdoctoral Fellow | |
Dr Yan Zhang | yz333@cam.ac.uk | British Academy Research Fellow, Centre of Development Studies | |
Dr Yi Zhang | yz506@cam.ac.uk | Lab Manager | |
Jiashu Zhu | Jz568@cam.ac.uk | PhD Student |