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Conservation Research Institute


I am a visiting researcher at C-EENRG/Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge for 24 months until April 2026.


Malavika Rao is a Postdoctoral Researcher at C-EENRG, Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge. She is a recipient of the Post-doc Mobility Fellowship (2024-2026) by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Malavika holds a PhD in International Law from the Geneva Graduate Institute (2024), an LLM in Environmental Law, and Energy and Clean Technology Law from the University of California, Berkeley (2017), and a Degree in Law (BALLB(Hons.)) from Christ University, India (2016). Prior to joining the PhD program, she worked as a Utility Justice Legal Fellow at The Utility Reform Network (TURN) in San Francisco (2017-2018).

Malavika’s areas of research are environmental law, migration law, the right to food, and climate change. Her doctoral work explored the application of the principle of non-refoulement to people fleeing food deprivation. As a post-doc at C-EENRG, Malavika will explore the international legal infrastructure underpinning food flows and food distribution. Malavika is a Research Affiliate of the Refugee Law Initiative at the School of Advanced Study of the University of London, and at the Global Migration Centre in Geneva.


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