Research under this theme focuses on alternative landscape management approaches, ranging from strict protection of natural and semi-natural areas to conversion and intensified production in agricultural systems, and the implications of these alternatives for the conservation of biological diversity, livelihoods and wellbeing. Work includes a focus on institutions and governance regimes, and a recognition of the complex political economy of decision making in coupled social and ecological systems.
C-EENRG Director
C-EENRG Area Leader: Climate Change and Energy Policy
Professor of Climate Change Policy
Emeritus Fellow of St Catharine's College
Professor at Rhodes University in South Africa
Associate Professor in the University of Queensland
Director of the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute
Head of Forest Ecology and Conservation Group
01223 333911
Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy
(01223) 339773
Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Conservation Science Group
Conservation Evidence Manager
Miriam Rothschild Professor of Conservation Biology
01223 (3)36686